
Stuck in the healing journey, battling against yourself and wanting results and traction in the 3D already!? I soooo get it. 

Maybe you’ve been through enough pain and other people’s non-sense to write a few best sellers. 

And maybe you’re fed up that healing shouldn’t be this difficult, considering all the inner work you’ve done 🙄, right?

Because you didn’t come this far just to come this far. 

You deserve to see the fruits of your efforts – and LETS BE REAL … without having to repeat complex visualizations of your ideal future, getting stuck in the very negative emotions that you are trying to process or spending one more year feeling like crap because nothing actually changed  (even though you are in a “better place”). 

Client Results


🪄 Decreased triggers 

🪄 Clarity on stay or go

🪄 Clearing paralyzing guilt

🪄 Repair of relationships 

🪄 Ending toxic ones

🪄 Decreased people pleasing and ignoring your body

🪄 Improved allowance and moving through emotions

🪄 Feeling more at ease and excited about life

🪄 Improved confidence and faith

🪄 Improved self trust and intuition

🪄 Less taking others bull personally

🪄 Less immediate texting just to “be nice” but feel drained

🪄 Improved relationships and communication around conflicts & needs

🪄 Improved ability to set healthy boundaries

🪄Clarity on next step

🪄Recognition of the deeper fear driving work and relationship anxieties

🪄Ability to move forward after healing 



Shadow work connects us with core components of our personality, emotions, and self-expression that were pushed to our subconscious during trauma.  For example, courage, playfulness, anger, disagreeableness, and sadness can be suppressed if showing these brought rejection, criticism or harm when we were children. 

When we onboard these back into our awareness we feel more empowered to be ourselves in public not just in the shower or in our underwear. We even feel more empowered in our underwear now that I think about it. 


You will learn how to reparent these parts. So you can trust yourself. Can you imagine how cool that will feel, to have that shiney – or even free to be angry or grumpy – part helping you? These suppressed parts help us to set boundaries, get shit done, feel non-judgy to be spending time alone or being a little overweight, or not having it all together at this hot moment? 


And this brings anxiety way down. Because you are able to make mistakes! This is huuuge. If you can make mistakes you can move in the direction of your passion and be IN the journey. VS on the sidelines feeling dread, regret and super pissed at yourself. 


You also are able to talk with your partner or family in a way that communicates your boundaries without the fear of losing them. You are not taking their perspective personally anymore. While at the same time can feel they did you wrong in the past. 


This is not about convincing yourself of anything, or reframing. Its seeing  who you are and working on your side of the street. And a funny thing happens. My relationships are the best they’ve ever been because I fired them from being in charge of my sense of value. 


You need to come first – to yourself – in order to heal, right? Otherwise we end up codependent and feeling like the world is always out to get you. You put yourself first in ways you are not used to and this means in a very self-intimate way. It’s a process. 


Below is the framework I use to guide you back to your self. We can use all four steps within one breakthrough session, and ALSO each step is a two week focus itself. 

The Art Of Feeling & Regulation

Processing suppressed emotions brings clarity, validation, regulation and relief. 

You learn emotional vipassana and how to self-connect and accept your emotions. 

You learn what drives and excites you the most. And what drains your energy and mojo. 

You reclaim your desires, needs, preferences. 

This waters the seed – if you were an orange tree💧. 

Activation /Unhitching From Meanings

You learn to access and anchor genuine self confidence. 

You learn how to unstick yourself from old meanings without bypassing. (You are long past bypassing at this point).

You reclaim unseen powerful and sparkly parts of yourself. 

 You push against the earth and defy all odds, sprouting up as a full fledged little tree 🌱. 

Understanding Your Patterns & Blocks

You understand which limiting beliefs and fears hold you back. 

You identify what parts of you are suppressed and ready to be reparented back into your psyche and life! 

You reclaim unseen hurt parts yourself. 

Additionally we clarify any stuck habits and patterns that were a result of fears projected onto you. 

This is like sunshine on your little seed 🌞. 

Anchoring Your Authenticity In the 3D

This is where we take your ahas into your life. You will be dissolving old beliefs in 3D not just in your emotional and mental body.  

You learn and practice a powerful but easy focus method to anchor new outcomes. 

You reclaim mattering no matter what is going on and therefore you reclaim your now and your future. 

This is akin to bearing fruit 🍊🌳. 

We use guided explorations of emotions, events and their patterns, conscious inquiry and positive focus. While it sounds extremely inner it is! But it’s applicable to your real life from the first session. 

How Is This Different?

 Paradoxically, “irrational” emotions and beliefs often shift when we recognize or allow them. Also you will learn how to use your attention and self compassion to change your relationship and success patterns. The 4 phases organically build upon each other, from feeling to manifesting. You learn how work through what currently feels like lose lose options as your More self.  This is the You Emerging. 

Unlike traditional modalities that address the conscious mind and willpower, we are not affirming anything or convincing ourselves of new beliefs. Rather, you heal through processing trapped emotion. And you understand yourself by accessing your subconscious through symbols and imagery as well as memeories. 

You learn which situations playing out in your life are actually patterns based on limiting beliefs. 

 You learn what it feels like to be our own best advocate. You come to understand and work with and through what seems like illogical emotional upsets.

Pricing & Structure

TEN X  1:1 Sessions With Lauren

Text support & weekly checkins 

Homework to support your session discoveries and breakthroughs

A fully customizable coaching plan using the 4 phase framework 



payment plans upon request



 ** Full money back guarantee if after the ten sessions and applying the homework you are not satisfied with the results. **


Case Studies

🌟Sharon was able to save her 20 year marriage which was on the chopping block, after clearing her pain programming and releasing the shame and worry of not ever being enough no matter how hard she tried. 

🌟Katherine was able to leave her country after years of abuse and struggle, embracing van life, a lifelong dream, and now has landed an amazing community she feels truly at home with and is no longer run by self-doubt and confusion. 

🌟 Katia was a comedian and improv teacher struggling with the confidence to go all in. Coaching helped her set boundaries with her family who were guilting her left and right about her choices.  She quit her school teaching job and now fully supports herself on her thriving and hilarious theater company in Poland. 

🌟Alli, who lived with her young kids and her (well meaning but severely) narcissistic mother in Boston, became a full time life coach and now enjoys the peace of her own apartment with her children and is no longer run by guilt and fear. 


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