What is Parts Work? 

Parts Work is a conversation between opposing sides of an inner conflict, with the aim of understanding the fears around resistance to the positive change you seek, then finding what this part needs in order to feel safe to move forward. For example, we would talk with the part who wants to stay up late and watch movies, making you tired and unproductive. You learn that watching movies is a coping strategy to loneliness. So we find ways to help the loneliness and also address time management strategies. 

How Does it Work

You take turns embodying one perspective of the conflict. They speak about their fears and issues with each other, basically hashing it out, observing one another or simply expressing their concerns. The “sabotaging” part’s needs are clarified and they may offer a condition, which, when met, helps them take part in the change. For example, they may agree to no movies a few nights a week if you call a friend instead, or find a creative way for more connection in your life. In this way you solve two problems. 


Parts Work benefits everyone, as everyone has some form of internal conflict in some area of life. It helps one make decisions like leaving a job, moving, or dating; it helps with addiction and any form of positive lifestyle shift. 

Parts Work vs Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Both follow the psychological model that recognizes our psyche consists of different aspects operating within us, at any given time, based on our conditioned experiences and current needs. PW and IFS both aim to create inner harmony and facilitate positive change. IFS uses four main part families, whereas Parts Work allows the definitions to come up as they are expressed during the session and focuses mostly on two opposing parts of one current conflict, as in the movie example, above. 




$222.00 | 90 min | Zoom


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