What Is Inner Child Recovery?

You are guided through a relative childhood memory, based on the feeling signatures of your current triggers, through a reprocessing and healing of this event. You take on the perspective of the child-self or as the adult present with the child, where the child is validated, protected, seen, and heard. They experience empowering shifts and a new outcome, which help you to break free of the limiting belief caused by the event. You are not asked to make connections or analyze during the process. The session is recorded if requested.

Do I Need To Have A Memory In Mind?

It is best to be open to which event will be worked with. But you may target healing for a particular event if you prefer. 

Outcomes & Benefits

Everyone can benefit from Inner Child Recovery, as even birth is traumatic. The process helps you understand current struggles and patterns. It reduces triggers, increases confidence and the ability to set new boundaries in all areas of life where needed. Inner Child Recovery is especially advantageous for Highly Sensitive People, those with a history of abuse or trauma, and for those with little emotional support.

Inner Child Recovery Vs Hypnosis

The hypnotic state happens between the alpha (daydream) and theta (lite sleep) brain wave states, where the subject is not aware of all that is happening. Inner Child Recovery is done in the more conscious beta (waking) and alpha (daydream) states so the journeyer is aware at all times. Hypnosis must be done with another person while Inner Child Recovery can be performed by oneself. Both Inner Child Recovery and hypnosis affect the individual’s subconscious in order to shift beliefs and create lasting positive outcome

$222.00 | 90 min | Zoom 


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