What is a Trigger Mastery Session?

We use a process I developed called Emotional Self Attunement. Emotional Self Attunement is based on Emotional Vipassana, a meditation of noticing the sensory-physical qualities of an emotion. As your emotions are validated and felt with loving presence you clear the underlying demand on the emotion: to be seen and understood. This dissipates the initial charge and the self-rejection that comes with rejecting the emotion.


Together we discover the current unmet values the emotion is pointing to and what it would look like to have that honored in your current life affairs. You shift through the layers of the emotion until you get to the core one, which is where your core negative and sabotaging beliefs are held. Noticing, feeling, and presence with yourself in these states, not theoretical or logical reasoning, causes a shift of the emotion, in this particular approach. This is why it is effective for trauma held in the body.


The surface emotion almost always leads to underlying emotions. As you explore and validate the layers, more of your subconscious is brought to light! This is ideal, as healing and permanent shifts in behaviors and beliefs take place on the subconscious level.


Most people are surprised at their insights into their needs and current patterns, and the feeling of relief  from this simple exercise. This is a foundational practice for my clients and students and a big leap down the path of self-love. 

1.0 In general it is an easy practice for everyone to reduce emotional confusion and pain, (anxiety, sadness, stuckness, shame, confusion, anger, guilt etc) immediately and long-term. 

2.0 Take the practice further if you wish, to uncover beliefs and shift your overall self-perception. 

3.0 Take it one step further into the EmotionAlchemy realm to guide you toward inner freedom and empowerment. 


Emotional Self Attunement Vs Mindfulness Meditation (MM)

While MM focuses on observing thoughts and perceptions, non-judgmentally, which helps one to accept reality and work within the chaos of life; ESA focuses on observing emotional and physical states non-judgmentally, which helps one to accept oneself and work within the chaos of emotional shifts as well as life. MM fosters peace with life/reality. While ESA fosters peace towards oneself.

While a guide helps you past blind spots, and can facilitate a deeper breakthrough shift, please don’t forget you can try it  here!(freebie link)! And use the meditation daily for 16 days.



$222.00 | 90 min | Zoom


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