Feeling Unclear Is the Worst.

And let’s be real, if you’re dealing with anxiety, PTSD, or ADHD etc, or get overwhelmed easily, then structuring priorities can feel like an absolute daily nightmare. 

You already know that laser focus on what’s important is crucial, but that statement is problematic for two reasons.

The first problem is figuring out what’s actually important. It can feel like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. 

:Throws cup at wall. 

Secondly, ‘laser focus,’ even if you know what you want, can be difficult. 

Why? Because the disbelief that it’s possible, can smother the little faith that it can work. Aka resistance. 

So you end up (like me much of the time) quitting too soon. Quitting in that beginning snowball phase where you just have to work through that learning curve. 

And there’s no pretty way around that. 

It seems ridiculous to me to not always know what I want. Seems like we should know, right?!

Why is it so hard to know what you want or what direction to go? 

Because we all have these default settings that tend to run extreme in one direction. This can make it very difficult  to balance life. 

For example planning vs. risk or autonomy vs. intimacy. We are usually good at one to the detriment of the other. 

The problem is that fear tends to run these settings and it keeps us stuck in unhealthy polarities instead of leading us towards wisdom. 

So, finding what’s important and tapping into faith that is just a little bit stronger than the resistance is the focus of this article because let’s be honest, once you find your “important,” everything falls into place.

I must say that working through the underpinnings of the resistance is also key and the purpose of EmotionAlchemy, but I just wanted to offer additional help, as clearing beliefs can be tough to do solo. 

So, if you’re looking to increase your intuition, faith, and know what you really want, you may love automatic writing! 

I was skeptical at first about having an angel. I totally sucked at it at first. Either nothing or stupid stuff came through. But I finally got into a groove and it has been a game-changer. 

I want to save you months of frustration and speed up your process of automatic writing. 

So let’s begin.

Prep - Grab A Cuppa

First thing in the morning before you are zapped completely conscious, get to it for twenty minutes. Sit with a tea, coffee or whatever floats your morning beverage ⛵️ and center yourself. 

  • I suggest a few rounds of square breathing: In 4, hold 4, out 4, hold 4 🧘🏾‍♀️🧘🏼.  
  • I use a computer so I can keep me eyes shut 😌. 
  • If you feel anxious, let it rip and dump all worries onto the page before automatic writing! 
  • Put on music or not. 

The Method

(Largely from Michael Sandler’s Automatic Writing Experience book.)

  1. First we are told we need to greet good morning to and invite any guides, angels, 👼| Universe | God | higher self to come forth. 
  2. Then we thank them, in advance, for coming here to help establish more of a sense they are there. 
  3. Feel into the space around you and create the possibility that they are there. If you connect, fine, if not, be open to the idea. 
  4. Then we are going to Ask Michael’s 3 questions. Set a timer for each question for 5-10 minutes. Then type whatever you type, trying not to think! Space out and type whatever you type. 
      • What do I need to know today? 
      • Who am I?
      • What is my single most important goal today?
  5. Thank them again for the wisdoms.

It’s also good I find to thank myself for taking the time to work on my trust and empowerment.  

Sounds easy enough right? Lol. I often sit and get nothing. And it’s a bummer. But sometimes I get something stupid, which is usually good. The tricky bit is discerning what is junk and what’s useful. 

So let’s get into the pro tips to help you avoid some super common roadblocks to getting into a good flow.

The Madness - Pro Tips

Problem 1: it’s taking too long. It can feel like you are not channeling right so you spend hours at it. Or you are and it’s too exciting to stop but then you forget to eat! | 👼 Time it. And stop on time.

Problem 2 : you’re just getting messages that seem lame. | 👼 Often we can only receive what we are willing to act on. Consider that, “Go for a walk,” could be exactly what you need. Again, practice teaches you what you can trust and what it feels like when it’s right. 

Problem 3 : nothing is coming through and you are not typing. | 👼 Type nonsense stuff. You need to open the portal by typing. Literally Anything. 

Problem 4 : you are too anxious or upset | 👼 Do another emo dump onto the page of all that’s bothering you. It can feel like self gaslighting if we go into these deep inner processes that disregard how we actually feel right now. To learn how to work through emotions you can watch my video on Emotional Vipassana. 

Problem 5 : you get too lost in your inner world with your eyes closed. | 👼 Try looking at the sky, sea, or tree while typing and let IT be your guide. I love this one!

Problem 6 : you get distracted with your eyes open. | 👼 Sorry to be obvious but try with eyes closed. 

Bonus tip: The ability to connect to guides or hear the higher self can be very foreign. It can feel as if we don’t deserve it, especially if you are used to feeling cut off, unseen, ignored, or not included.

I recommend thinking of them as if they are there by your side or that universal intelligence is shining upon you.

Keep in mind the power of an emotional connection, like an ancestor. You feel truly cared about and this raises your sense of deserving and inner power of not not being alone.

Don't Try To Channel

Your feelings of deserving may come to the surface which is good to face. Automatic writing can be a way to redirect this false belief. 

Also, I just want to emphasize that if you try to channel you might get stuck. Just write. Your intuition can come through. Give it time.  

Automatic writing has been there for me when I’ve felt super overwhelmed or unsure about what to do, and I continue to use it today because it’s been working for me. 

It can make you feel less alone and more empowered, although it may seem awkward or unbelievable at first tapping into a higher intelligence. 

See what happens! You deserve it. 

Stay extremely well,


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